2.07 M
projects & contracts*
*data from the last 5 years
  • Ana G. Abril; Tomás G. Villa; Pilar Calo-Mata; Jorge Barros-Velázquez; Mónica Carrera (2022) Application of proteomics to the identification of foodborne pathogens " Food Proteomics: Technological advances, current applications and future perspectives" Elsevier
  • Robert Stryinski; Elzbieta kopienska-Bierna; Mónica Carrera (2022) Proteomic advances in seafood and aquaculture " Food Proteomics: Technological advances, current applications and future perspectives" Elsevier
  • Kunicka Zuzanna; Mierzejewski Karol; Kurzy¿ska Aleksandra; Stryi¿ski Robert; Mateos Jesús; Carrera Mónica; Golubska Monika; Iwona Bogacka (2022) Analysis of changes in the proteomic profile of porcine corpus luteum during different stages of the oestrous cycle: effects of PPAR gamma ligands Reproduction, Fertility and Development DOI:10.1071/RD21248
  • Barbosa, R.G.; Trigo, M.; Zhang, B.; Aubourg, S.P. (2022) Effect of Alga Gelidium sp. Flour Extract on Lipid Damage Evolution in Heated Fish Muscle System Antioxidants DOI:10.3390/antiox11050807
  • Malga, J.M.; Trigo, M.; Martínez, B.; Aubourg, S.P. (2022) Preservative Effect on Canned Mackerel (Scomber colias) Lipids by Addition of Octopus (Octopus vulgaris) Cooking Liquor in the Packaging Medium Molecules DOI:10.3390/molecules27030739
  • PhD - Robert Stryinski (06/10/2022) Proteome profiling of the parasitic nematode Anisakis simplex s. s. University of Warmia and Mazury (UWM) (UWM)
  • TFM - SARA PÉREZ POLO (26/07/2022) Identifying natural bioactive peptides from the common octopus (Octopus vulgaris Cuvier, 1797) skin mucus by-products using proteogenomic analysis UNIVERSIDAD DE CADIZ (UCA)
  • TFM - Ana Raner (09/09/2021) Effects of the high-fat high-sucrose diet and fish oil supplementation on oxidative modifications of proteins and phosphatidylcholines in the rat brain UNIVERSITY OF PRIMORSKA
  • PhD - SILVIA MUÑOZ SANTIAGO (26/03/2020) Estudio Proteómico y Lipidómico de las rutas moduladas por el consumo de ácidos grasos poliinsaturados w-3 de origen marino y sinergia con iminoazúcares en un contexto de dieta obesogénica Univerdidad de Vigo (UVigo)
  • TFM - Pedro Nozal Cantanero (07/01/2020) Estudio del efecto de la inclusión de Fucus spiralis liofilizado n un envase biodegradable de gelatina, sobre la calidad de abal/a conservada en refrigeración a 4ºC Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC)
  • Patent | Procedure for the identification of albacore (Thunnus alalunga) in canned tuna

    Authors: Carmen González Sotelo; Isabel Medina; Ricardo Pérez Martín; Javier Quinteiro Vázquez; Manuel Rey Méndez

    Technique for the identification of Thunnus alalunga in preserved tuna products, which comprises the amplification of a 187-pb fragment (BDR) of the cytochrome b gene in mitochondrial DNA by the sequential use of two endonucleases. This allows distinguishing it from other species used as substitutes for Thunnus alalunga in canned products. More detailed information can be found here.



  • Patent | Procedure for the identification of frigate mackerel (Auxis thazard) in canned frigate mackerel

    Authors: Carmen González Sotelo; Isabel Medina; Ricardo Pérez Martín; Javier Quinteiro Vázquez; Manuel Rey Méndez

    Technique for the identification of Auxis thazard in preserved fish products, which consists of the amplification of a 187-pb fragment (BDR) of the cytochrome b gene in mitochondrial DNA by the use of a restriction endonuclease. This allows distinguishing it from other species used as substitutes for Auxis thazard. More detailed information can found here.


  • Patent | Differentiation of various tuna species in canned tuna products

    Authors: Carmen González Sotelo; Isabel Medina; Ricardo Pérez Martín; Javier Quinteiro Vázquez; Manuel Rey Méndez

    Technique for the differentiation of various tuna species in canned tuna products, consisting of the sequential use of a set of restriction endonucleases on an amplified 187-bp fragment known as bdr of the b cytochrome in the mitochondrial ADN. Thus, Thunnus thynnus, T. obesus, T. albacares and Katsuwonus pelamis are distinguished by fragment analysis. More detailed information can be found here.


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