2.07 M
projects & contracts*
*data from the last 5 years
  • Robert Stryinski; Elzbieta kopienska-Bierna; Mónica Carrera (2022) Proteomic advances in seafood and aquaculture " Food Proteomics: Technological advances, current applications and future perspectives" Elsevier
  • Ana G. Abril; Tomás G. Villa; Pilar Calo-Mata; Jorge Barros-Velázquez; Mónica Carrera (2022) Application of proteomics to the identification of foodborne pathogens " Food Proteomics: Technological advances, current applications and future perspectives" Elsevier
  • Kunicka Zuzanna; Mierzejewski Karol; Kurzy¿ska Aleksandra; Stryi¿ski Robert; Mateos Jesús; Carrera Mónica; Golubska Monika; Iwona Bogacka (2022) Analysis of changes in the proteomic profile of porcine corpus luteum during different stages of the oestrous cycle: effects of PPAR gamma ligands Reproduction, Fertility and Development DOI:10.1071/RD21248
  • Barbosa, R.G.; Trigo, M.; Zhang, B.; Aubourg, S.P. (2022) Effect of Alga Gelidium sp. Flour Extract on Lipid Damage Evolution in Heated Fish Muscle System Antioxidants DOI:10.3390/antiox11050807
  • Malga, J.M.; Trigo, M.; Martínez, B.; Aubourg, S.P. (2022) Preservative Effect on Canned Mackerel (Scomber colias) Lipids by Addition of Octopus (Octopus vulgaris) Cooking Liquor in the Packaging Medium Molecules DOI:10.3390/molecules27030739
  • PhD - Robert Stryinski (06/10/2022) Proteome profiling of the parasitic nematode Anisakis simplex s. s. University of Warmia and Mazury (UWM) (UWM)
  • TFM - SARA PÉREZ POLO (26/07/2022) Identifying natural bioactive peptides from the common octopus (Octopus vulgaris Cuvier, 1797) skin mucus by-products using proteogenomic analysis UNIVERSIDAD DE CADIZ (UCA)
  • TFM - Ana Raner (09/09/2021) Effects of the high-fat high-sucrose diet and fish oil supplementation on oxidative modifications of proteins and phosphatidylcholines in the rat brain UNIVERSITY OF PRIMORSKA
  • PhD - SILVIA MUÑOZ SANTIAGO (26/03/2020) Estudio Proteómico y Lipidómico de las rutas moduladas por el consumo de ácidos grasos poliinsaturados w-3 de origen marino y sinergia con iminoazúcares en un contexto de dieta obesogénica Univerdidad de Vigo (UVigo)
  • TFM - Pedro Nozal Cantanero (07/01/2020) Estudio del efecto de la inclusión de Fucus spiralis liofilizado n un envase biodegradable de gelatina, sobre la calidad de abal/a conservada en refrigeración a 4ºC Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC)
  • Capabilities | Development and implementation of natural additives and innovative processing techniques for seafood conservation

    Development and implementation of natural additives (i.e., algae extracts and other lipophilic antioxidants) with antimicrobial and antioxidant properties, as well as innovative food processing and preservation methods (i.e. high hydrostatic pressure) to improve seafood conservation and shelf life.


  • Capabilities |Evaluation of shelf life duration and development of personalized packaging systems for seafood products

    Evaluation of viability and shelf life duration of seafood products. Development and ad-hoc adaptation of innovative food packaging systems (modified atmospheres, etc.) to improve quality, ensure safety and extend shelf life of fishery and aquaculture products.

  • Capabilities | Assessment of nutritional value in seafood and design of personalized nutrition treatments and products

    Design and development of seafood products for target consumers (elderly, young, diabetic, allergic to seafood, etc.) that guarantee specific nutritional requirements, safety and sustainability. Development of techniques (i.e. metabolomics, proteomics, genomics, lipidomics, etc.), using animal models and cell cultures, to characterize the response of a patient/consumer to diet and to design personalized nutrition treatments and products (i.e. nutraceutics, hypoallergenic fish products, immunostimulants, functional foods, etc).


  • Capabilities | Optimization of fish meals

    Development of new formulations and sustainable diets to be provided to farmed species to enhance their quality as well as their welfare.


  • Capabilities | New technologies for rapid detection of pathogens in fishery and aquaculture products

    Development of mass spectroscopy techniques for rapid identification and quantification of parasites in seafood products, as well as proteomic techniques to identify pathogenic microorganisms, fish parasites and allergen proteins. 


  • Patent | Alkyl gallate derivatives as antioxidant and surfactant agents

    Authors: Juan Carlos Morales Sánchez, Ricardo Lucas Rodriguez, Olivia Sánchez Maldonado, Francesc Comelles Folch, José Luis Parra Juez, Isabel Medina Méndez

    The invention relates to a compound derived from an alkyl gallate and its production method and to its use as a surfactant and oxidizing agent, in particular as part of a composition in the form of an emulsion. More detailed information can be obtained here.



  • Patent | Compounds having anti-inflammatory activity

    Authors: Juan Carlos Espin de Gea; Juan Carlos Morales Sánchez; Isabel Medina

    Compounds for the treatment of inflammatory processes involved in numerous diseases such as intestinal inflammatory diseases. The invention mainly refers to compounds included within a certain general formula and to the procedure to obtain them. More detailed information can be obtained here.



  • Patent | Procedure and kit for the identification of the main commercial prawn and shrimp species

    Authors: Lorena Barros Tajes; Isabel Medina; Igancio Ortea; José Manuel Gallardo

    Procedure and kit for the identification of the main commercial prawn and shrimp species (Order Decapoda) belonging to families Penaeidae (Penaeus monodon, Farfantepenaeus notialis, Fenneropenaeus indicus, Fenneropenaeus merguiensis, Litopenaeus vannamei), Solenoceridae (Pleoticus muelleri) and Pandalidae (Pandalus borealis) in fresh, chilled, frozen and/or processed products and by-products. More detailed information can be found here.




  • Patent | Procedure to prevent fish rankness and quality loss in fresh and processed products

    Authors: Isabel Medina; Jose manuel Gallardo Abuin; Ana Alonso Pérez; Manuel Pazos Palmeiro; Juan Fernandez Bolaños Guzman; Isabel Sanchez Alonso

    Prevention of fish rankness and quality loss consists in reducing susceptibility to oxidation through the production of an oxygen barrier by glazing and the addition of hydroxythyrosol as a natural water-soluble antioxidant. The technique is also applicable to fish and crustacean products. More detailed information can be found here.