Marine Biogeochemistry
Knowing the chemical composition of the marine environment, the concentrations of the different elements and the interactions occuring in coastal areas and generating changes in marine habitats is key for coastal populations to be able to monitor, anticipate and adapt to global change.
The research carried out by the Marine Biogeochemistry Group (MBGC) focuses on the biogeochemical cycles of minor elements (such as nitrogen, phosphorus and selenium) and trace elements (including bioactive, platinum-group and rare earth elements) found in the ocean, also exploring exchanges at the land-ocean interface and anthropogenic influences on these cycles.
In order to face the challenges of global change and to increase our knowledge about our oceans, international collaboration is essential. Therefore, the group addresses biogeochemical processes according to guidelines set by international programs, such as Future Earth Coasts (formerly LOICZ) and GEOTRACES. In addition, it collaborates with scientific staff in Spain and with foreign experts in geology and biology.
<p>Programa Ciencias Mariñas: Avaliación dos efectos de estresores ecofisiolóxicos de bivalvos asociados a vertidos contaminantes</p>
Principal investigator:CobeloGarcíaAntonioFunding body:El Programa de Ciencias Mariñas de Galicia es 1 de los 5 programas de Ciencias Marinas de los Planes Complementarios de I+D+I del Plan de Recuperación Transformación y Resilencia. Financiado por FEMP/FEMPA.Funding for IIM-CSIC:8338€Fromto <p>Impacto de factores estresantes en los ecosistemas costeros</p>
Principal investigator:CobeloGarcíaAntonioFunding body:Ayudas cofinanciadas con fondos de la Agencia Gallega de Innovación de la Xunta de GaliciaFunding for IIM-CSIC:75000€Fromto<p>OCEANOLOGÍA</p>
Principal investigator:GonzálezCastroCarmenFunding body:Ayudas cofinanciadas con fondos de la Agencia Gallega de Innovación de la Xunta de GaliciaFunding for IIM-CSIC:233333€Fromto- RIS-TEK -
Principal investigator:CobeloGarcíaAntonioFunding body:Proyecto PID2019-111261GB-I00 financiado por MCIN/ AEI /10.13039/501100011033Funding for IIM-CSIC:101000€Fromto
- Rodríguez-Velarte, P.; Babarro, J.M.F.; Cobelo-García, A. (2022) Bioaccumulation patterns of trace elements by native (M. galloprovincialis) and invasive (X. securis) mussels in coastal systems (Vigo Ria, NW Iberian Peninsula) Marine Pollution Bulletin DOI:10.1016/j.marpolbul.2022.113463
- Álvarez-Vázquez, M.Á.; De Uña-Álvarez, E.; Prego, R. (2022) Patterns and Abundance of Rare Earth Elements in Sediments of a Bedrock River (Miño River, NW Iberian Peninsula) Geosciences (Switzerland) DOI:10.3390/geosciences12030105
- Ritter, C.; Gonçalves, V.; Pla-Rabes, S.; de Boer, E.J.; Bao, R.; Sáez, A.; Hernández, A.; Sixto, M.; Richter, N.; Benavente, M.; Prego, R.; Giralt, S.; Raposeiro, P.M. (2022) The vanishing and the establishment of a new ecosystem on an oceanic island – Anthropogenic impacts with no return ticket Science of the Total Environment DOI:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.154828
- Alba-González, P.; Álvarez-Salgado, X.A.; Cobelo-García, A.; Kaal, J.; Teira, E. (2022) Faeces of marine birds and mammals as substrates for microbial plankton communities Marine Environmental Research DOI:10.1016/j.marenvres.2022.105560
- Romero-Freire, A.; Abdou, M.; Cobelo-García, A. (2021) Implications of kinetically-hindered metals in ecotoxicological studies: Effect of platinum spike aging on its toxicity to Dunaliella salina Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety DOI:10.1016/j.ecoenv.2021.112924
- PhD - Patricia Neira del Río (29/03/2019) Platinum and other Technology-Critical Elements: Bioaccumulation and Behaviour in Coastal Systems Universidade de Vigo (UVIGO)
- PhD - Miguel Ángel Álvarez Vázquez (13/07/2017) Continental contributions to coastal zone: natural and anthropogenic disturbances in biogeochemical river flows and their traceability in the sedimentary compartment Universidade de Vigo (UVIGO)
- PhD - CLARA ALMECIJA PEREDA (29/05/2015) Geochemical behaviour and sources of platinum group elements in anthropogenically-impacted sediments UNIVERSIDAD DE VIGO
- PhD - Natalia Ospina Alvarez (12/07/2012) Procesos biogeoquímicos en la frontera continente-océano del Atlántico Nororiental ( Rias Norte de Galicia NO Península Ibérica). BIOGEOCHEMICAL PROCESSES IN THE NORTHEAST ATLANTIC CONTINENT-OCEAN BOUNDARY (NORTHERN GALICIAN RIAS, NW IBERIAN PENINSULA) UNIVERSIDAD DE BARCELONA
- PhD - Miguel Ángel Álvarez Vázquez (10/07/2012) Caracterización analítica de los sedimentos de la ría de Arousa mediante fluorescencia de rayos X por reflexión total (TXRF) UNIVERSIDAD DE VIGO
Principal investigator:PregoReboredoRicardoFunding body:Cobre San Rafael, S.L.Funding for IIM-CSIC:5945€Fromto<p>ESTADO AMBIENTAL DEL RÍO EUME Y SU ESTUARIO SEGÚN LA PRESENCIA DE METALES, SALES NUTRIENTES Y MATERIA</p>
Principal investigator:PregoReboredoRicardoFunding body:HIDRAULICA CONSTRUC. Y CONSERVAC.Funding for IIM-CSIC:47157€Fromto- AUTORIDAD PORTUARIA CARTAGENA -
<p>Ánálisis de metales de metales pesados en biota</p>
Principal investigator:CobeloGarcíaAntonioFunding body:AUTORIDAD PORTUARIA CARTAGENAFunding for IIM-CSIC:9473€Fromto
- Capabilities | Technical assistance in oceanographic and coastal sampling, data processing and interpretation
Technical assistance in sampling design and sensor selection for the collection of observational data on physical and biogeochemical processes in marine environments, as well as in data processing, modelling and interpretation.
- Capabilities | Geochemical characterization of water
Analysis of water properties, ranging from physical to geochemical characteristics, including carbon system components, nutrient concentration, organic matter characterization, radioisotope concentration, trace and rare earth elements (REE), etc.
- Capabilities | Quantification of anthropogenic impacts on water quality
Analysis of acidification, eutrophication and concentration of different pollutants (PAHs, heavy metals, emerging contaminants, etc.) on water samples, as well as of their impact on biological and geochemical processes.
- Capabilities | Development of management and decision-making tools based on modeling and simulated scenariosCoastal & Environmental Protection Maritime Spatial Planning Ecosystem Services & Governance Aquaculture Fisheries
Development of space-specific tools for assessment, management and decision-making by modeling the impacts of present and possible future environmental scenarios (pollution, climate change, etc.) on oceanographic conditions, biodiversity distribution, physiological response or fisheries and aquaculture performance.