Innovation Capabilities & Products
- Capabilities | Technical assistance in oceanographic and coastal sampling, data processing and interpretation
Technical assistance in sampling design and sensor selection for the collection of observational data on physical and biogeochemical processes in marine environments, as well as in data processing, modelling and interpretation.
- Capabilities | Development of new food products from fisheries and aquaculture by-products
Development of processes for the transformation of discards and seafood by-products into new raw materials (fish mince, fish oil, etc.) with added value for the generation of innovative processed food products (hamburgers, nuggets, etc.), ensuring traceability, nutritional value and safety in new value chains.
- Software | Model-based design of smart active packaging systems with antimicrobial activity
Matlab code to perform simulations and optimize packaging design using natural antimicrobials (carvacrol) for hake (Merluccius merluccius). In addition, different polymers are considered as possible active packaging materials.
More information here.
- Capabilities | Assessment of nutritional value in seafood and design of personalized nutrition treatments and products
Design and development of seafood products for target consumers (elderly, young, diabetic, allergic to seafood, etc.) that guarantee specific nutritional requirements, safety and sustainability. Development of techniques (i.e. metabolomics, proteomics, genomics, lipidomics, etc.), using animal models and cell cultures, to characterize the response of a patient/consumer to diet and to design personalized nutrition treatments and products (i.e. nutraceutics, hypoallergenic fish products, immunostimulants, functional foods, etc).
- Capabilities | Prospection of new bioactive compounds
Prospection of new bioactive compounds in marine organisms and food industry by-products, including characterization of their activity and validation of their application in different sectors (health, cosmetics, nutrition, etc.).
- Software | DOTcvpSB: Matlab toolbox for Dynamic Optimization in Systems Biology
DOTcvpSB is a toolbox written in MATLAB that uses the control vector parameterization (CVP) method to handle continuous and mixed integer dynamic optimization problems. DOTcvpSB has been successfully applied to several problems in systems biology and bioprocess engineering.
More information here.
- Capabilities | Geochemical characterization of water
Analysis of water properties, ranging from physical to geochemical characteristics, including carbon system components, nutrient concentration, organic matter characterization, radioisotope concentration, trace and rare earth elements (REE), etc.
- Capabilities | Development of bioprocesses (biorefineries) for the extraction of bioproducts and bioactive compounds from food industry by-products
Development of processes that allow extracting useful components of industrial interest from discards and food industry by-products and effluents. Biochemical characterization of useful components present in different kinds of fisheries products and by-products, such as skin collagen, visceral enzymes, chondroitin sulphate present in cartilage, chitin from crustacean shells and cuttlebone or protein hydrolysates obtained from muscle. Evaluation of potential applications of these compounds through the characterization of their biological activities (antioxidants, etc.) and functional properties for their use in different industries, such as biomedical, chemistry, cosmetic, food, etc.
- Software | Fish-T-TaB Simulator: Temperature simulator for fish stored in tubs and boxes
This model was developed and applied by members of the EFSA Working Group on the transport/storage of fresh fishery products during the preparatory work on the BIOHAZ Scientific Opinion on the use of "tubs" for transporting and storing fresh fishery products (EFSA-Q-2019-00053). Heat transfer modeling was applied to estimate surface temperature of fish during the temperature-related processes of cooling and subsequently maintaining the chill temperature of the fish (‘cooling’ process) and/or maintaining the chill temperature (‘keeping’ process) for fish kept in ice (in boxes) versus in water and ice (in tubs) under similar transport/storage conditions.
More information here.
- Window to the seaMarine instruments & sensors Coastal & Environmental Protection Ecosystem Services & Governance Maritime Spatial Planning
Interoperable data platform that collects records of a variety of indicators related to coastal risks both in Galicia and in the North of Portugal The variables include, among others, the risk of eutrophication, coastal erosion, flooding or loss of genetic diversity. Linked to the MarRisk project, financed by the European Regional Development Fund ERDF through the Interreg V-A Spain-Portugal Program (POCTEP) 2014-2020.