Ray Reunions and Social Skates: Diving into the social lives of elasmobranchs- from Papua to Spain via Australia
Encontros Espresso at IIM-CSIC, on November 7, with Robert Perryman, postdoctoral researcher from the Integrated Marine Ecology Group (INMARE).

(link available on the day)
The "Encontros Espresso" (Espresso Get-Togethers) are a format of talks held at IIM with the aim of getting to know each other better, getting to know better the activity that takes place in our center and exploring the world of marine science, encouraging scientific-technical discussion and strengthening links between groups where both research and technical staff can participate to share their work, experiences and results.
These are events designed specifically for our staff, but everyone is welcome to join in via streaming.
This new format will begin at 10:00 a.m. in the IIM-CSIC Meeting Hall and will include complimentary coffee ("Espresso") to encourage a smooth flow of communication.
On this occasion, the seminar will be given by Robert Perryman, postdoctoral researcher from the Integrated Marine Ecology Group (INMARE).
Ray Reunions and Social Skates: Diving into the social lives of elasmobranchs- from Papua to Spain via Australia
Rob will be talking about his PhD research on ‘Social organisation, social behaviour and collective movements in reef manta rays’ and his adventures collecting data in Raja Ampat, West Papua, an incredible area for marine biodiversity. He used a range of methods (including photo identification, acoustic telemetry, drone observations and social network analysis) to study manta ray behaviour. He was part of conservation projects to manage manta ray-human interactions in the region. Now in Vigo, he will also talk about his new role in the BELAS project (Villegas-Rios) where he is studying the behaviour of skates (Raja undulata) at the spatial-social interface.
Robert Perryman
Rob is a postdoctoral researcher at IIM. His main research interests are in finding the links between spatial and social behaviour in elasmobranchs, protecting the oceans, and finding new methods to study the behaviour of marine megafauna. Rob has over 10 years experience in studying sharks and rays, including 5 years in Raja Ampat, Indonesia, in collaboration with Marine Megafauna Foundation. He completed his PhD at Macquarie University in Sydney in 2021.