Madagascar biodiversity and opportunities for marine research
Guest speaker, Dr Fanomezana Ratsoavina, from the Université d'Antananarivo, will talk on the perspectives and the potential of the isle of Madagascar for marine and terrestrial research.

Next Thursday, 25th April, the IIM-CSIC will host the seminar: "Madagascar biodiversity and opportunities for marine research" by Dr Fanomezana Ratsoavina from the Université d'Antananarivo, in Madagascar.
As part of its joint visit to our country, both Dr Ratsoavina and her colleague, Dr Zafimaheri Rakotomalala, will share the reality of Malagasy research and the opportunities that the island gathers for new research and innovation ventures, both terrestrial and marine.
Madagascar biodiversity and opportunities for marine research
Madagascar is in the top 10 of biodiversity hotspots worldwide. Despite the intensive research on the terrestrial realm, we know little about this biodiversity. Research on the marine environment is scarce in comparison. I will provide an overview of the rich biodiversity found in Madagascar as well as the various challenges and dangers that threaten its sustainability. Furthermore, I will cover several subjects that attract the attention of both national and international researchers. I will also talk about potential new frontiers and promising prospects in the realm of marine sciences and research to broaden the scope of exploration and investigation in this unique island.
Dr Fanomezana Ratsoavina
Dr Fanomezana Ratsoavina is 'Maitre de Conferences' and a Direct for the Mention de Zoologie et Biodiversité Animale (Mention of Zoology and Animal Biodiversity) at the University of Antananarivo. Her work is focused on the Malagasy biodiversity, taxonomy phylogenetics and conservation.
This event has been organised by the Integrated Marine Ecology (INMARE) research group of the Institute of Marine Research (IIM-CSIC). If you have a career in research and you are interested in a meeting to explore new collaborations with the two guest researchers you may apply for a spot by sending an email to David Vieites (