Human Resources Area
The Human Resources area is in charge of managing many of the aspects related to every member of our center as an IIM and CSIC employee.
Renewing contracts and managing holidays, days off and leaves are some of the responsibilities of the area, which is also in charge of processing medical check-ups for all the IIM staff, together with our Prevention & Occupational Hazards Unit.
In addition, the area helps new employees create their staff file, set their password for clocking in and out, process health insurance, collect their key for parking access and, if appropriate, provide their vehicle's data.
Main Responsibilities
- Supporting IIM staff with their procedures as CSIC employees.
- Signing temporary and training contracts, handling the selection process and following up on the activities carried out.
- Negotiating temporary staff visits.
- Managing workforce provision: recruitments, leaves and transfers.
- Managing medical check-ups to monitor workplace safety in this center, together with the Prevention & Occupational Hazards Unit.
- Editing the annual activity report.
- Monitoring compliance with the Internal Rulings of the Spanish Research Council by the IIM's staff as CSIC employees.
PilarBoubetaParceroGeneral Support & Administrationpilarboubeta@iim.csic.es986 23 19 30 ext. 438482
CarmenGarcíaCondeGeneral Support & Administrationconde@iim.csic.es986 23 19 30 ext. 438486
ManuelGómezRodríguezGeneral Support & Administrationmgomez@iim.csic.es986 23 19 30
María RocioLagoLarranGeneral Support & Administrationlarran@iim.csic.es986 23 19 30 ext. 438487
SaraPazLópezStrategic & Technical Supportspaz@iim.csic.es986 23 19 30 ext. 438661