Offer | 2 Researcher Contracts at AcuaBioTec
The Institute of Marine Research of the Spanish Research Council (IIM-CSIC) is offering two contracts for researcher positions at the Acuatic Biotechnology Lab. The offer includes a 4-year-long graduate (pre-doc) researcher position 4 and a 3-year-long post-doc (Doctor FC3) position. Both starting January 2025.
The especific requirements of each offer are listed in the offer descriptions below. To apply, it is a pre-requisite to be registered in CSIC'S Joblist. When registering, you must specify “Recursos Naturales” as scientific sub-area and at least one of the areas especified in each one of the offer descriptions below.
For informal enquiries contact Prof Sofía Consuegra at sconsuegra@iim.csic.es.
You may also check her ResearchGate profile.
The OLDSALMO project
Both positions will be framed within interdisciplinary project OLDSALMO: Testing temporal genomic shifts in exploited fish populations using ancient and environmental DNA.
OLDSALMO is a 4-year project funded by the ATRAE programme that will use Atlantic salmon as study species to develop novel approaches to assess the roles of overfishing and climate change in population declines. For this, we will compare ancient, historical and contemporary genomic variation over a continuous evolutionary timeline since the Pleistocene. We will focus on 3 periods of dramatic changes in temperature (during and after the last glacial maximum) and increasing fishing pressures (over the last 75 years), to assess whether the effects of climate change and overfishing are synergic and accelerate the loss of genomic diversity in fish populations. We will also develop and validate novel non-destructive tools based on environmental DNA to assess changes in genetic diversity of threatened salmon population (loss of allelic diversity, decrease in effective population size).
The project involves close collaborations with Swansea University, the University of Cantabria (EvoAdapta), the University of Harvard (Reich’s lab), the Norwegian Institute for Nature Research (NINA) and Gestion Ambiental de Navarra.
Why the IIM?
The Institute of Marine Research belongs to the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas , the largest public research organization in Spain, the third in Europe and the seventh in the world. The IIM-CSIC is one of the leading institutes in marine research in Spain, with a diverse activity and its own strategic units for Internationalization, & KnowledgeTransfer and Scientific Culture. Based in the city of Vigo, we offer a dynamic research environment that boosts the careers of our staff, expanding their collaboration networks and increasing their real impact on society.
Two contracts to boost your career
The IIM-CSIC, as a marine institution dedicated to producing knowledge for sustainable development, carries out a multidisciplinary research, responding to global challenges and local concerns, to allow for a comprehensive understanding of marine ecosystems.
Regarding this Call, the following positions are offered:
Important - to be eligible for this role you'll need to register in CSIC's Joblist specifying:
- Scientific sub-area: "Recursos Naturales"
- At least one of the following areas:
Biologia de organismos y sistemas: Genetica aplicada a la biología de la conservación
Ciencias marinas: Biodiversidad, ecologia y evolucion
Duration: 3 years starting January 2025
Description: The selected candidate will work mainly on the analysis of ancestral and historical samples working in collaboration with the IP and rest of the project team. They will be responsible for data analyses, manuscript preparation, dissemination of project results in conferences (national and international) and outreach, and will have the opportunity to co-supervise undergraduate and postgraduate students.
Requirements: A solid background on Bioinformatics is required. Experience on molecular ecology and ancient DNA are desirable.
Important - to be eligible for this role you'll need to register in CSIC's Joblist specifying:
- Scientific sub-area: "Recursos Naturales"
- At least one of the following areas:
Biologia de organismos y sistemas: Genetica aplicada a la biología de la conservación
Ciencias marinas: Biodiversidad, ecologia y evolucion
Duration: 4 years starting January 2025
Description: The selected candidate will carry out analyses of historical and contemporary populations under the supervision of the PI and the postdoctoral researcher with the collaboration of the ACUABIOTEC researchers. The predoctoral researcher will receive training in molecular biology, bioinformatics and general fisheries biology and will be offered the opportunity to register in a Doctoral Programme at the University of Vigo.
Requirements: A BSc in Molecular Biology or a similar field is required.
Please, be sure to carefully read the especific requirements of each offer listed in the offer descriptions above.
To apply, it is a pre-requisite to be registered in CSIC'S Joblist. When registering, you must specify “Recursos Naturales” as scientific sub-area and at least one of the areas especified in each one of the offer descriptions above.
For informal enquiries contact Prof Sofía Consuegra at sconsuegra@iim.csic.es